Older versions of the software may still work with Windows 7, up to OBS Studio version 27.0.x.' Anyway, as long as I am using Windows 7, I will continue to use version 27.0.x. That said, I think it may be helpful to explicitly specify something like 'OBS Studio no longer supports Windows 7. Since version 27.0.1 supported Windows 7, and I read nothing about version 28.1 not being compatible with Windows 7, I assumed that Windows 7 was still supported - just not promoted or endorsed by the developers/publishers.
When I visited the 'download' section of the official OBS Studio website, what I saw was 'The Windows release of OBS Studio supports Windows 10 and 11.' A person can read that and interpret it to mean that Windows 10 and 11 are supported, but are not the only versions of Windows that are supported. (I wasn't sure if it was worth my time to try to manually find and download DLL files that produced errors on my machine.) I was also not requesting or suggesting that there should be a change I was merely reporting the error I received, with hopes of finding out why the error was occurring. I was not aware that versions of OBS Studio starting from 28.x do/will not support Windows 7.